Executive Function Coaching

Executive Functioning (EF) Coaching is an opportunity for individuals to understand and improve skills related to cognitive functioning. Some examples of EF include planning, organization, time management, task initiation, focus, flexibility, time management and emotional control. Many people learn these skills intuitively as they develop, but some need a little extra help. We offer Executive Function coaching to people of all ages and stages of life.

brain and light bulb
  • Executive Functions (EF) are a group of cognitive processes which are the mechanics by which individuals function and participate in the tasks of daily life. Some examples of EF include planning, organization, time management, task initiation, focus, flexibility, time management and emotional control.

    All people have strengths and weaknesses. Being a capable student or adult and struggling with basic tasks can be frustrating and discouraging. Executive Function coaching offers a path forward by working collaboratively to develop effective learning and improved performance skills. 

    As the brain develops, cognitive processing skills increase and build on each other. Often, we see adolescents present with frustrating and intermittent competency as they have difficulty with the strategies they need to reach their goals at home and at school. Adults often face life long frustrations with poor organization, time management and difficulties completing tasks. 

    Executive Function Coaching builds skills and improves performance. If this sounds like something that would be helpful to you or someone in your life, please contact us and get started.

  • Our clients work one on one with our coach towards specific goals to build practical and helpful skills.

    Working with an Executive Function coach can increase valuable life skills and strategies. Meeting either in person or virtually, our Executive Functioning Coach will build a strong relationship with each client and help them to develop and practice executive functioning by using their current assignments and projects. They can become more organized, learn improved study and test-taking skills, manage tasks more efficiently, and become more flexible and adaptable. Our goal is to help each person become more confident, independent and successful in their own identified goals.

  • The fee for our Executive Function coaching service is $95.00 per hour and is charged directly to the client. EF is not considered a medical service and cannot be reimbursed through insurance.